magnifying glass with light & microscop app 정보
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This magnifying glass with light & microscop app will help you to see like digital microscopes or photo enlarger any small thing and to take a picture magnifier lupa lupa. It is very easy to use microscopio. this an zoom effect pro
It is a magnifying glass with light using the zoom and the flash of the camera (if they are available).magnifying glass microscop app In the devices that support the LED flash of the camera in mode torch magnifying glass microscop app, you will be able to use it as a flashlight or lantern to illuminate the things that you are seeing. magnifying glass microscop app If the camera has focus with mode "MACRO" stereo microscop you will be able to use it to have a high-quality image. If it is needed, there are popup messages that inform you about the limitations of the features of your device
Please, magnifying glass microscop app takes into account that the quality of the image and the magnification level depend directly on the quality of the camera and its zoom because they are the lens of the magnifier.
The maximum zoom level in magnifying glass microscop app depend on the device, some of them have no zoom or the zoom is not available to be managed by apps. In these cases, the zoom will be "x1”
There are magnifier devices that have a camera application embedded that manages the zoom but this zoom is not available for other magnifying glass microscop app applications like this magnifier.
*Do you have to remove your glasses "MACRO" to read a business card?
*Do you have to carry a big magnifying glass to read the model number of a tiny semiconductor?
*Do you use a microscop to observe legs of a tiny insect?
*Do you want to take macro photos easily?
Simply the best magnifying glass in the Play Store.
Uses your phone's camera to magnify text or anything else. Great for the visually impaired, for soldering small stuff or just for curious kids microscop app.
With light mode (on devices with camera flash) capture function, high fps mode, invert function for the visually impaired and many many more options.
♫ Features the magnifying glass microscop.
► Magnifier (H/W zoom, S/W zoom)
► Microscop (more fine image)
► LED Flashlight the magnifying glass microscop app.
► Macro Camera magnifier
► Image Freezing
► Embedded photo viewer
► Image filters(Negative, Sepia, Mono)
► WYSIWYG saves
► & more for magnifying glass microscop
1* Microscop the magnifying glass microscop.
* More fine picture than Magnifying glass mode.
* More zoom in. "MACRO"
2* Zooming "MACRO"
* Zooming control bar.
* Pinching to zoom everywhere.
3* Magnifier the magnifying glass
* Live H/W magnification.
* Live S/W(x4) magnification.
* Taking magnified pictures.
* Continuous autofocus(If possible).
4* Freezing picture for magnifying glass microscop.
* Freezing screen to see picture stable.
* Useful in a moving car.
5. Picture Effects
* Support frequently used picture effects.(Negative, Sepia, Mono)
6* Taking pictures the magnifying glass microscop.
* Taking pictures by pressing a volume-up button or touching camera icon.
* Saving a picture by touching save icon.
* Supportmagnifying glass microscop app (What You See Is What You Get) saving in microscop mode & freezing mode.
7* LED Flashlight
* Flashlight ON/OFF
* The volume-down button can toggle flashlight