Mahjong GlobalCup 정보
Traditional Taiwan Mahjong, Play in online or offline mode.
Mahjong GlobalCup, Free to Play, no need register, a lot of prize and bonus waiting for you every day. Join Now!!
* Join to session immediately, no need to wait
* Many kinds of bonuses every day
* Set Password play with a friend
* 2 Week Arena, Fun and Exciting
* 300+ Achievement to collect
* Easily create a session in one click
* Real player online join with you.
* Offline, Single, Play for free.
* Daily Challenge, test to the limit.
* Support Voicetalk in game session
Game features:
* Fully Made in Taiwan, and Real Taiwan Mahjong with 16 pieces
* Multi-Platform support, play with a real player at any time
* Join with a professional player, train your skill
* Mahjong card clear and bigger, network stable, no delay
* More than 300 Achievement to collect, show your performance.
* Free Reward online, easy to earn
* Arena join easy to win more prize
* Daily Challenge, to see who becomes the true champion.
Other features:
* Mahjong GlobalCup is a casual game, and target with 18-year-old and above.
* The game is free to download and can earn points by reward. If the player needs a large number of points, the game also provides the purchase in App.
* This game is classified into levels 12 according to the management method of the game software of Taiwan.
* The achievements and achievements of the players in this game do not mean that they will be the same in the game when they use the "money game" in the future.
* This game does not offer "cash trading gambling" and there is no opportunity to exchange cash or physical prizes.
What's new in the latest 2.8.5
Thanks to the reports and suggestions in the past to help revise many issues. Please update as fast as possible!
This time we have added a subscription that removes ads, and there are many bonus offer for you.
And fixed the game crash problem
Mahjong GlobalCup apk 정보
Mahjong GlobalCup의 오래된 버전
Mahjong GlobalCup 2.8.5
Mahjong GlobalCup 2.8.4
Mahjong GlobalCup 2.8.3
Mahjong GlobalCup 2.8.2
Partner Developer
파트너 개발자는 APKPure와 협력하는 개발자를 강조하는 특별한 배지입니다. 이 배지는 해당 앱이 공식 출판을 위해 APKPure를 신뢰하는 10,000명 이상의 개발자 중 한 명에게 속한다는 것을 나타냅니다.
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