Make 'n' Take Quiz 정보
자신의 퀴즈를 확인하고 당신의 동료는 퀴즈! 이상적인 퀴즈 메이커 응용 프로그램을 수 있습니다.
About App:
The art and science of asking questions is the source of all knowledge.
Make’n’Take Quiz app helps you to create a quiz with your own questions thereby aiding you test the skills of quizee.
There are many other quiz apps for students which have a huge lot of questions that do not cater to the students knowledge for their age. Also many apps become Paid after a certain limit.
So ,why not, we as a well-wisher decide the right questions to be asked to our students to help them to acquire the right knowledge and right thinking?
This app helps you to do that. That too it is absolutely free.
The Quizzer should login as ‘admin’ to create the questions. The quizee should login with his desired name to attend the quiz.
Advantages of this App:
1. Separate usernames for the quizzer(i.e username: admin) and quizee. Hence the quizee will not be exposed the other activities of Quiz maker as well as to answers prior to their attempting of his/her quiz.
2. Quiz is easily shareable with Export/Import Quiz feature
Export quiz feature:
The quizzer can share his question set to other people in the form of easily readable Xml Files.
3. Import quiz feature:
The quizzer can receive and import his question set from other people in the form of easily readable Xml Files.
4. Quiz Category/Level:
The quizzer can add as many number of categories(Maths,Science,English etc) under which, they can start framing their questions.
Under each category, they can group the questions according to the levels(Levels :1st Grade to 12th Grade,Level-Easy,Level-Medium,Level-Hard).This feature may be useful for school teachers or parents who want to test the skills of the students according to the grades.
Please send your feedback/queries to : [email protected]