Map for The Forest 정보
The Forest Map. An Interactive Map with Guide and Crafting section for the game.
Do you like "Survive the Forest" game ? We also !
If you like The Forest, you must try this fantastic app. We have created a map for The Forest that allows you to find out the locations, tools, cave and more. In this map for the forest, you can show or hide the items that you want to see. Also you can add your houses and the plane that you have found on your map game.
Would you like to know how to crafting ?
Crafting is a gameplay feature where new items can be created by combining crafting materials.
With new version, now you have the Crafting Guide for The Forest. You can see how to build you armor, how to create a fire torch, upgrade your weapons and much more.
As requested, from version 1.55 we added a Guide section with Tips, Tricks and Cheats. This can help a lot of player to enjoy (and go on) with The Forest Game
We hope this app helps you to enjoy this fantastic game.
Remember this "Map for The Forest" is under continuous development. Share your tips with us to make this app the best app for The Forest.
Now you can help to traduce this app in your language. Write us at "" and we tell you how you can help us.
Thank you.
Overulez Indie
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This App is not officially supported or involved with Endnight Games or the forest game. All rights reserved to their respective owners
The images comes from The Forest or from websites created and owned by Endnight Games, Ltd. or Endnight Games, Ltd., who hold the copyright of The Forest. All trademarks and registered trademarks present in the image are proprietary to Endnight Games, Ltd..
The use of images into App is believed to qualify as fair use under United States copyright law, as such display does not significantly impede the right of the copyright holder to sell the copyrighted material.
What's new in the latest 2.30.00
Map for The Forest apk 정보
Map for The Forest의 오래된 버전
Map for The Forest 2.30.00
Map for The Forest 2.10.00
Map for The Forest 2.03.50
Map for The Forest 2.02.30
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