Matches 정보
게임 "매치"누군가를 위해 휴식을 취할 수있는 좋은 방법입니다.
The game "Matches" is a great way to relax and to spend free time usefully for anyone.
Now it includes two game modes: "The Last Match" and "The BrainTeaser"
The rules of the Game "The Last Match" are simple: two players must remove (burn) a set of matches (from one to three at a turn). The goal is to leave the last match to your opponent, if the player gets the last match - He lose. In most cases, you can win if you know the secret of the game. Try to solve it! You can play with a friend or against AI.
In the game "The BrainTeaser" the player should move one, two or three matches in the expression, so as to build a mathematical equation. The game has several levels of difficulty, that opens while the game.