Matterdroid Mattermost Client (Unreleased) 정보
An experimental, unofficial, incomplete native Android client for Mattermost.
This is an experimental, unofficial, incomplete fully native Android client for Mattermost written entirely in Java and using all the latest and greatest Android libraries. At the moment, the feature set is quite limited, but it does the basic job of letting you see messages in channels, and send them too.
** This app is currently compatible only with the unreleased version 3.5 of Mattermost. You can try it out by connecting to the Mattermost Pre-Release server. **
This app is open source. You can download the source and contribute to it by searching for Matterdroid on GitHub.
* User/Pass based authentication.
* Changing team.
* View and send messages to channels, private groups and direct messages.
* Basic Markdown message rendering.
* Posting text/Markdown messages.
Things not Implemented yet:
* Reliable handling of internet connectivity loss.
* Creating users/teams/channels/groups/etc.
* Signing in to multiple teams at once.
* Full Markdown support when rendering messages.
* Auto-linking @mentions and !channels etc.
* Marking messages as read, and indicating channels with new messages.
* Direct message channels.
* Posting images/attachments/etc.
* Reply threading.
* Message editing and deletion.
* Push notifications.
* Authentication schemes other than simple user/pass.
* 2FA.
* Probably more things I've forgotten...
Good luck, and have fun.