mAwas App 정보
mAwas 앱은 공무원의 할당 (GPRA)에 사용됩니다.
mAwas App is used for allotment of Government Pool Residential Accommodation (GPRA) of Government Employees.
It is integrated with the Automated System of Allotment of GPRA of Directorate of Estates having website, for which applicants can give allotment choices through mAwas.
The mobile App is handy and caters to the wider number of applicants to give choices for Government Residential Accommodation.
It has created a transparent, corruption free and efficient allotment system for the entire housing stock available with the Directorate of Estates.
The owner of the mAwas App is Directorate of Estates (DOE), Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs (MoUHA), GOI.
Main Functions of mAwas:
- Allows filling of house choices for allotment by Directorate of Estates;
- Check waiting list position of Applicants;
- Allotment list of allottees in a Month, locality wise;
- To get Signup / Register for allotment of GPRA House
- Request to resend password through SMS.
To any query please contact no. 23062152 or send screen shoot off app on [email protected]