McKays Hotel 정보
McKays Hotel, 바 및 레스토랑에서 다음 숙박을 비접촉식으로 만드십시오.
Make your next stay at McKays Hotel, bar and restaurant contactless and have the hotel in the palm of your hand. A traditional Scottish hotel and pub in Highland Perthshire, serving the finest local produce, craft beers and premium spirits.Use the McKays Hotel app to:
•Book online
•Check in
•Order room service
•View your invoice
•Check out
•Pay any outstanding items on your bill
•View wifi details
•Connect with us on social media
•Leave feedback
Retire upstairs for the night to one of our twenty seven guest rooms. Snuggle up under the duvet, with a not so wee dram and a good book by the bed.Our hotel rooms vary in style as we’re a small Perthshire hotel . You’ll find our rooms based throughout two Victorian properties on the main street through Pitlochry. Some rooms are above the main bar in McKays Hotel and we have 7 rooms across the road above our sister restaurant Caffe Scozia.