MealPlanner 정보
Collect/create recipes. Save them with photos. Grocery list reminder and more!
What does the app do?
*Lets you collect recipes and make your own recipe book. It is like a scrapbook for recipes. It lets you collect recipes from elsewhere and paste it for your own reference. It also lets you write down recipes from scratch.
*You can take a photo of the recipe or upload from gallery.
*You can add delete recipes.
*You can check what ingredients are available and the app will display recipes you can make with them.
*Finally it lets you create a grocery list by letting you add the missing ingredients in your pantry.
The app then reminds you to buy the grocery at a specified time.
*If you are moody, the "what shall I make today" chooses a random recipe for you to make.
Steps to create /collect recipes.
1)Add the ingredients needed for the recipe. If a required ingredient is already listed. Please select it.
2)Give a recipe name.
3)You can optionally edit the amount of the ingredients needed.
4)Click next.
5)Paste/Type the recipe description.
6)Take a photo (in landscape mode) or select one from gallery.
7)Save the recipe!