Medco Quick Computations 정보
Medco Quick Computations
Medco Quick Computations (MQC)
Coiled Tubing Fatigue Cycles
This option computes the number of cycles that a section of coiled tubing can go through before fatigue failure
would occur. A cycle is defined as running-in and out from the reel and over the gooseneck. The input data
required includes;
Maximum tool length Through Dogleg
N2 Volume Factor
Computes the compressibility factor, z-factor, of the gas selected. Also computes the amount of standard
cubic units of measurement per unit of space.
Oil Api Properties
Computes Specific Gravity and Viscosity of the given API
Hydro-static Pressure
Computes Hydro-static Pressure from given Fluid Density and True vertical depth (tvd)
Unload Gas Wells
Compute the minimum required gas velocity to keep the condensate in a gas well unloaded.