Media Sync 정보
Media Sync - Podcast and RSS news reader
Podcast & News Reader
- RSS and Atom Support
- Plays Audio / Video podcast
- Stream or download podcasts
- Audio Podcast .mp3, .3gp, .ogg and .flac support
- Video Podcast .mp4, .swf, .m4v, .3gp and .webm support
- Support for Google Reader/Listen via OAuth
- Offline support / Automatic update & download
- Add new RSS / Atom Feeds
- Edit Feeds / Delete all feeds
- Supports news cache on sdcard
- Automatically delete of old articles
- Sensor Tilt automatic scroll
- Multi-threaded update processes
- Playing now notification status
- Configuration for font size
- View unread only
- Import / Export list of feeds
- Support for Honeycomb tablets
Permissions asked for and why they are needed:
INTERNET / ACCESS_NETWORK_STATE (Network communication)
- full Internet access, view network state
- to access the internet, downloading audio, video etc.
- to check what kind of connection the phone is currently on; 3G, wifi, etc.
WRITE_EXTERNAL_STORAGE (Storage - modify/delete SD card contents)
- to save mediafiles on the external storage.
READ_PHONE_STATE (Phone calls - read phone state and identity)
- To be able to detect when there is an incoming phone call so that playback can be paused.
- This is used for requesting authtokens from the account manager to authenticate with google reader, note your password is not required / exposed).
- This is used to start the download process automatically start at boot, there is a configuration setting to disable
- prevent phone from sleeping when playing video