Medpicky - Ask Health Doubts 정보
Specialist Doctors are a click away for your Doubts
Medpicky is a health related web and mobile application which allows you to ask questions on anything regarding your health or medical procedures where experienced and qualified doctors give you their answers and suggestions.
# Have a doubt about your health? Here’s how to ask a question.
Try to focus on your question and the health problem that you are facing. Include the details about yourself- age, sex, medical history, what you have tried and your current physical conditions such as blood pressure count, blood sugar count, etc. if you feel that this is not an invasion into your privacy.
# Select a specialty
After you have typed in your question with sufficient details, the next step is to choose a specialty.
Choose a specialty so that we can pass your questions to the appropriate doctors and get a suitable reply.
When you are choosing a specialty, you can choose all type of medicine for getting answers from all type of medicines such as Allopathy, Ayurveda and Homeopathy. If you choose any specialty from Allopathy the question that you submitted will be sent to the doctors in that particular specialty. You can choose Ayurveda to get answers from doctors in Ayurveda and choosing homeopathy as specialty you can get answers from doctors in Homeopathy.
# We respect your privacy
When you are asking a question and you don't want to show your name with the question publicly then you just select the option to ask anonymously. This feature will not show your name with questions and your identity will be completely safe. When your question is answered by the doctors you will get a notification from us. Check the answer and don’t forget to thank the doctor for helping you.
# Follow a question
When you see a question in Medpicky which is asked by some other user and you feel like you have similar problems and would like to know more about it, simply click on “Follow” button at the bottom of the question to get notifications whenever new answers are added.
So this is all Medpicky is about. It's simple. It’s convenient. It’s hassle-free. Our aim is to wipe out fear and misconception about health from each person and make life easier for all of us.
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