Memo-ScratchPad 정보
매우 빠르게 메모, 미리 알림 및 메모를 작성합니다. 하나의 버튼을 누를 때와.
Very quickly create notes, reminders, and memos with Memo-ScratchPad. A single button press is all it takes.
Imagine you are walking down the street, in a hurry, and you bump into a friend you haven't seen for years. "I can't talk now, but what's your phone number?" You grab your phone, click an icon, speak the phone number, "555-1234." You're done. You say, "I'll call you later", and you're on your way.
It opens to a scratchpad, restoring scratchpad contents from the previous run. You can enter text, add a snapshot, and share with others. Save the scratchpad as a memo, with or without encryption.
Press the menu button (three vertical dots, upper left) to make the text larger or smaller, automatically begin voice recognition or clear the scratchpad when Memo-ScratchPad opens, share the contents with others, or open one of the help files.
The camera icon in the upper right allows you to add a snapshot to the scratchpad.
Along the bottom, the buttons begin Voice Input, Clear the scratchpad display, Save as a memo, or Recall previously saved memos.
Click on the snapshot image to display a larger view.
Use the Android Back button to exit any page or the Memo-ScratchPad app.