MemoryCheck 정보
아이들을위한 메모리 검사는 모든 카드가 아래로 얼굴을 배치하는 카드 게임이다
Memory check or memory game for kids is a card game in which all of the cards are laid face down. The objective of the game is to turn over pairs of matching cards. Over the course of the game, it becomes known where certain cards are located and so upon turning up one card players with good memory will be able to remember where they have already seen its pair. A better strategy is to turn over a less certain card first, so that if wrong, one knows not to bother turning a more certain card over. This game checks your memory and observation skills. It’s a fun game for kids & helps them practice and strengthen visual memory skills, though grown-ups may find it challenging and struggling to beat their kids' times in matching all the pairs.
Game Features:
1. Free Play
2. Fruits and vegetables type of cards