Merseyride Taxis 정보
당신의 Merseyride 택시를 예약
Merseyride Taxis is a fast and reliable taxi company. Just tap to request a taxi, it’s easy to pay with a debit/credit and cash.
Whether you’re going local in Liverpool or to any train station or Airport, Merseyride Taxis is your choice with every driver CRB checked and all drivers licensed in Liverpool area. Download the app and start your journey.
Merseyride Taxis the safe and easy way to book a taxi. Payments are simple and happen straight from the app so you can just jump out when you arrive at your destination.
Know your fare before you go, enter your destination(s) to get an estimation Taxi price
Book a Taxi for an immediate pickup or pre book your Taxi in advance
Choose from a 5 or 6 seater Taxi
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