MiiCode 정보
로봇 공학, 프로그래밍 및 전자 공학을 탐구하는 디지털 학습 플랫폼.
MiiCode is a digital learning environment made by RD9 Solutions for education in Programming, Electronics and Robotics with STEM as a foundation. MiiCode interfaces with the RD9 suite of robotic products including MiiA.bit, MiiRo and many more. MiiCode provides a block-based graphical programming interface to gently introduce newcomers to programming. MiiCode enables the learning of programming concepts and constructs by allowing exploration of a robotics platform though challenges, projects and user creativity.
*Easily learn to programme through a block-based graphical programming environment
*See the effects of your programming through a real-world robot
*Fosters a play-try-learn environment to encourage exploration and creativity
*Interface with RD9 family of robots via Bluetooth
*RD9 Robot assembly instructions included in the app - everything you need in one place!
*Save, share and view code