MiN Price Alert 정보
가격 스파이 항목은 나이지리아의 웹 사이트에 판매했다. 스마트 온라인 쇼핑.
Price Alert helps you shop smart online, keep track of price changes of any product from online store. We also price spy sale, discount and already reduced item on the website.
Features include:
- Track any product from any range
- Support most african currency including Nigeria naira
- Simple and easy to manage listed item
- In app online shopping browsing experience
- Share with friends
Currently support websites but not limited to.
- Jumia
- Yudala
- DealDey
- Payporte
- Kara
- Traclist
- gloo.ng
- jiji
- furnish.ng
- etc.
Do we miss your favourite shopping websites, let us know and we'll add it to the app within 72hrs.
We aim to also cover most website in Africa and across the world.
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/MiN-Price-Alert-323242394745798/
Twitter - https://twitter.com/LeNigeria