Minerva 정보
학교와 연결하고 자녀의 진행 상황을 추적할 수 있는 학부모용 모바일 앱
- Circulars: Access the school's circulars relevant to the grade of your child
- Newsletters: Go paper-free and explore school's newsletter in digital format.
- Learning Resources: Access your child's study material for the current grade
- Home-Work: Track your child's daily Home-Work of all the subjects.
- News: Stay updated with the school's current affairs
- Events: Keep track of all the upcoming school events
- Attendance: View and track your child's daily Home-Room Attendance
- Academic Result: Check and view your child's academic result of all Terms
- Teacher Notes: Teachers' personal feedback of the child to the parents
- Assessments: Monitor your child's educational attainment and discover where they stand
- Library: Track and monitor the books borrowed from the library and their return due dates
- Fees: View and track the outstanding and/or paid fees for each schedule
Minerva App is exclusively for the schools subscribed to CampusLive™ ®
Parents must use their existing parent account to gain access.
If you do not know your credentials, please contact your school's administration.