Mod Superheroes for MCPE 정보
Mod Superheroes for MCPE
Pocket Heroes adds 21 superhero armor sets to the game. It also adds loads of villains like The Joker and the Winter Soldier which you need to fight in order to unlock more superhero armor sets. Some of the available superhero sets include Ant-Man, Spiderman, Batman and Wonder Woman. Most of them have special abilities and tools which only they can use.
This Mod adds eight well known superheroes to the world of Minecraft. By becoming each superhero you get access to all their superhuman abilities as well as some special items specifically designed for each character. Some of the included superheroes are Deadpool, Spiderman and Superman. You will love this if you are into superheroes!
Disclaimer: This mod Superheroes for Minecraft pe is unofficial maps for Minecraft Pocket edition.Map for mcpe is not aprproves by or assciated with Mojang. All rights reserved. In accordance with brand guidelines.