Mojzat-e-Rasool 정보
200 개 이상의 Mojzat - 전자 Rasool (SAW)
In Islamic history and Quran, many Mojzat are being told from many Prophets in different eras. Islamic history has some very authentic examples of Mojzat and Quran verifies these mojzat. Mojza of Prophet Hazrat Essa AS, Hazrat Mussa AS, Hazrat Ibrahim AS, Hazrat Saleh AS and many other mojzat are very famous. These mozjat are given to prophets so people can believe that they are the messengers of Allah.
Like other messengers of Allah, last messenger Hazrat Muhammad SAW was also blessed with some mojzat. In this app of Mojzat-e-Rasool (SAW) we tried to gathered all mojzat of Hazrat Muhammad SAW.Mojzat-e-Rasool (SAW) is a book written by Hazrat Allama Abdur Raheem Khan Qadri in Urdu language. It contains more than 200 Qisa-e-Mojzat. These mojzat are being told in detail. Some of the mojzat are also in Quran and some are from book of Hadees. These mojzat are from Allah to humankind to believe the teachings of Islam and every Muslim should completely trust and faith in these mojzat.
Mojaz of Quran
Dream regaring Khilafat
Jannat ki Bashart
News of Shadat of Hazrat Imam Hussain
Shaq ul Qamar
Salam of tree
Qaroon ka Qisa
Horse rider farishtay
Shining Forehead
Ghae Saur
Dua e Shifa
Saraqa ka waqia
Lashakr kay pani ka mojza and many other mojzat
Easy urdu language for better understanding..