Mp3 Cutter and Ringtone Maker 정보
MP3 커터 & 편리 쉬운 방식으로 음악 파일을 편집하기위한 최선의 도구이다.
MP3 cutter is the best tool for editing music files in a convenient and easy way . This application also support merging of audio files . Application is designed to make music editing so easy and fun .
Features :
Features include :
✓You can make your own ringtones.
✓you can cut and merge the mp3 files using Mp3 Cutter & Merger.
✓you can create fusion songs.
✓cutting and merging of the recorded song is possible.
✓After merging a song you can hear the merged song in player
✓The application can be moved to SD card.
✓After saving the trimmed mp3 u will get options for using the trimmed tone as alarm tone,ringtone,notification,assign to contact and option for opening the output folder.
✓storage path of both trimmed and merged mp3 is mentioned separately (sdcard/igost/music).
✓You can access both the trimmed and merged mp3 from the home page folders (Trimmed tones & Merged tones) in the application itself.
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