Mp4 editor 정보
이 응용 프로그램은 스마트 폰을위한 완벽한 Mp4 편집 툴킷입니다.
Mp4 Editor is a video editing toolkit for your Android device.
The Mp4 Editor has features like
1) Video Trim
2) Video Merge
3) Video Compress
Video Trim.
The Video Trim options can be used to trim video files.
Just select the start and stop time of the video file and the Video Trim option will export the video to the phone external storage.
Video Merge
The Video Merge option can be used to merge multiple video files into one single video file.
The Video merge option only work when all the video file have same aspect ration and equal fps.
Please use video files created by yourself.
Video Compress
The Video compress option will compress the video file into smaller size with the same clarity.
Different video compress options are available in the application.