Murugabarathi YOSI HR 정보
Murugabarathi는 Motivational Speaker, HR Trainer 및 Writer입니다.
MURUGABARATHI – Motivation for Happiness, Development & Metacognition
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Murugabarathi is a Motivational Speaker, HR Trainer and Writer.
His profile is amazing, with respectable records. He is a continuous learner – from his 9 university degrees, participation in workshops and programs, reading books and more importantly from meeting people. He is a famous speaker, who is running like a river, crossed over 1500 stages. He spoke in hundreds of Schools, Colleges, Companies and Organizations. He wrote 8 books.
He is famous among students, speakers, trainers, consultants, business owners and VIPs of Tamilnadu. His popularity is developed by his shows in many TV channels and his contribution in Magazines.
Murugabarathi is the Managing Director of YOSI HR Training (OPC) Private Limited that conducts Soft Skills, Life Skills, Career Skills and Work Skills programs for Institutes, Retails, Industries and Companies. He is the only trainer in Tamilnadu, to have a professional experience of 15 years in training, within 38 years.
Yes..! He is only 38 years of age. He is young, energetic, humorous and thought provoking. He is a rare combination of Freshness and Experience. He is a role model, not only in Training, but also in his personal life. He is a principled man with a noble vision and a man who walks the talk.
Connect with Murugabarathi and his company – YOSI – on your mobile with the official MURUGABARATHI app! Through automatic notifications, you can read the latest articles by Murugabarathi, listen to his speeches as audio and watch the newest videos on topics ranging from Happiness to Development, Relationships to Teamwork, Success as a person to Success in Profession, Personality Development to Business Development, Memory Techniques to Leadership Strategies, Character Building to Social Service, to live a valuable life with life values.
Stay in touch with Murugabarathi’s daily quote. Keep up to date with Murugabarathi’s Schedule and all the events of YOSI. You can also order his books through this app.
Invite him to your premises for an inspiring speech or for an igniting training, by submitting contact form in this app, with proper details
About - Learn more about Murugabarathi (Profile in Tamil and English)
Company – Learn more about his Training Company – YOSI. (Brochure also available)
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Videos – Watch popular and latest videos of speeches of Murugabarathi
Audios – Listen to the Mastery of Tamil and Message to Mind, wherever you are.
Programs – Know when and where Murugabarathi conducts programs
Contact – Give a message or Invite Murugabarathi for a program