Muslim Prayer Reminder - Qibla Finder & Tasbeeh 정보
무슬림 응용 프로그램은 당신의 Qibla 나침반,기도 타이밍 및 하디스 모음을 제공합니다
Being a very good Muslim, some things like to say namaz at azan time, to do zikr & azkar of asma ul husna are significant. Further to do zikr and tasbihat at digital tasbih counter has importance. Allah has reward for every good action. Qibla compass is the most amazing app to know the kaaba direction at any prayer timings. It has been general observation, people at many places seem unaware to find qibla direction and unfortunately miss their obligatory namaz. Qibla locator is much important to find qibla direction on the very exact namaz time. Be relaxed if you have qibla finder to find mecca in order to say prayers while in travel. Muslims are supposed to say all prayers in the very direction of kaaba. If it seems tough to find qibla diection, through mecca finder qibla compass do find qibla direction by placing prayer compass on flat surface. Needle of prayer compass would illustrate the exact qibla direction from your current location.
Islamic Prayer Timings & Azan Alarm
Prayers are obligated in religion Islam, to offer prayer at exact salat timings is most significant. Very accurate prayer timings are important to know in order to say your duties. Muslim prayer times are specific , try to follow azan alarm as a namaz reminder. To say Islamic prayers at azan prayer times is duty of all Muslims. So set beautiful azan alarm according to proper salat timings. Further get very recent prayer timings and all azan times on Islamic finder app.
Digital Tasbih Counter
Muslims do a lot of zikr, read various tesbihat to get close to Allah. Digital tasbih counter counts your all tasbihat and zikr you did for Allah. You don t need then to count again and again what you are praying. Creative Muslims tasbeeh counter app go on recording your all tasbihat and zikr. Get very genuine tally counter clicker on Tasbeeh counter app in order to remember your zikr. Digital tasbih counter let you remind for your duain, tasbihat and zikr.
Hadith of the Day
To share or listen hadith of the day Allah has great reward. After Quran explanation Muslims are supposed to act upon shaih Muslim hadith and hadith sahih Bukhari in order to live life with knowledge about religion Islam. Get large hadith collection with authentic references on this very hadeeth app. Hadith are very important to get authentic knowledge.
Zikr & Azkar
As concerned with daily Muslim zikar azkar and morning evening duain are very important to live life on religious paths. All has very great regard on just reading little bit duain and zikr. Allah remembrance, believe in Allah is much important to live peaceful life. On reading such great duain and zikr Allah gives protection to Muslims.
99 Names of ALLAH
99 holy names of Allah are very worth able, just to pronounce 99 names of Allah is reward for Muslims. Do get all Muslim God names in your mobile through asma ul husna app so it becomes very easy to do dua & azkar of asma ul husna.