My Delhi WiFi Delhi 정보
A high-level seminar on how to make Delhi a World Class WiFi City.
My Delhi-WiFi Delhi - A high-level seminar on how to make Delhi a World Class WiFi City. 2nd April, Hotel The Lalit, New Delhi, India.
Delhi has an unique opportunity to become the first city in India to have Universal Internet Access over high speed WiFi, so that all citizens of Delhi, especially those who are socially or economically disadvantaged can get access to knowledge, information, services and finally an opportunity for socio-economic upliftment. Universal Internet Access will transform Delhi, and create a model for the rest of India to emulate. On top of this, the state government at Delhi is spearheading this initiative.
Delhi government’s objectives of setting up WiFi are: Mobile Par Sarkar, Promote Education, Spur up Entrepreneurship, Make Delhi a Traders Hub, Promote Tourism, Women Empowerment and Women Safety.