My Emergency Tool & Widgets 정보
Emergency never comes knocking.
Emergency never comes knocking.
Emergency app can be useful to search nearby police station, hospital and a medical store in case of any problem. Many times while you are travelling these services comes very handy. It also has widget for home screen which will show all the details required in time of emergency.
The emergency application helps in storing of important details like:
1. The blood group of the person
2. Whom to contact during any kind of emergency?
3. In case of any urgency you can store the SMS wherein you can send the SMS and inform the concerned person with the present location and also the address; so that the concerned can contact you immediately.
4. Handy contact numbers of the police station, pharmacist.
What's new in the latest 1.4
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Include Panic Mode (send SMS, light, sound alert at a time)
Added Three Very Helpful widget
-Flash Light Widget
-Panic Mode Widget
-Emergency Detail Widget