My Focus: Stay Focused 정보
계속 당신의 삶에 집중하십시오! 계획을 세우고 진행 상황을 추적하고 목표를 달성하십시오!
What Is "My Focus"?
Sometimes we are overwhelmed with unimportant things, and we spend our time on it.
“My Focus” is a little help to fix this. This application is designed to help to focus on right and important things.
How to use it?
At the moment there are 3 main tabs:
"My Goals", "My Tracker" and "My Focus".
About "My Goals"
In this tab, you can write your goals for different periods of time.
Different periods allow you to set priorities and values of your goal.
About "My Tracker"
In this tab, you can create "Tracker tables".
You can track your progress and move towards goals.
For example:
You have a goal to learn a foreign language.
You can create a progress table where the goal is to invest 100 hours in language learning.
After each lessons, you can track the time of study and watch how often and useful you spend your time.
The main feature is that when you perform or record your progress, you see your result.
Due to this, the movement towards the goals becomes more stable.
About "My Focus"
This small table is designed to write of global plan for the future.
This will allow you to remind yourself about really important things.
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