My Lap Meter Free 정보
휴대 전화의 근접 센서와 랩타임을 측정합니다.
You have a slot car track but no lap time counter which works
with no additional equipment from the Slot car track vendor?
You do rc car racing and want to know how your lap times are?
You do not want to do calibration, adjustment before using a app?
You are doing sports and want to have a stopwatch?
Then My Lap Meter will be your favorite tool.
How it works:
My Lap Meter detects passing objects with the build in proximity sensor of your phone.
No pre adjustment or calibration is needed!
Just place your phone near by your track and see how it detects the passing slot car.
My Lap Meter can also easily operate manually by just a click on every lap.
We are sure that there are a lot of other things you can realize with My Lap Meter.
-Is designed for Android devices
-Works with the proximity sensor and manually
-Not depending on the lighting conditions
-Supports portrait and landscape views
-Disables the screen timeout
-Easy to use design
-Acoustic signal high/low tone on each detection by the proximity sensor
-Displays all lap relevant data at a glance
-Current lap, last lap, best lap, slowest lab, average lap, total lapsed time
-Displays current laps in a list view
-Save the lap session giving it a name
-Compare lap sessions by name
-Only system permission needed
-No access to internet, GPS and personal data on your phone.
-No advertising
for a demo please start the Video.
The free version of My Lap Meter is fully functional but time limited.