My Personal Wallet 정보
My Personal Wallet widget for KWGT
This is a widget for KWGT.
If you have not installed Kustom not for you!
I creating a wallet that calculates the remaining budget through a progress bar.
Initially I had made with Automagic (alter-ego of Tasker) but I discovered K-Quicknotes.
I think the idea and the work of Uwe S. are excellent. K-Quicknotes plugin makes kustom more complete.
My Personal Wallet is very simple and it serves to control their budget or their own salary directly on the screen.
Install K-Quicknotes plugin for KWGT (here:
Install My Personal Wallet widget for KWGT
- In globals set your budget or yout salary
- if you want to use the calculation of days in global set: the day, the month, the year of when you received the salary or budget, and in "day" set the range in which you can spend the budget.
- you can get rid of or display the bar of the days by clicking the circle at the top
- tap on K-Quicknotes icon and put your expense (ex. put in K-Quicknotes $20+23.5$)
- every time you make a charge add for example +34 ex. $20+23.5+34$