MyCity, MySounds
MyCity, MySounds 정보
Explore acoustic characteristics and meanings of your city.
MyCity, MySounds is a mobile app developed by ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics enabling users to explore acoustic characteristics and meanings of their city. Users can record sounds at real locations and place them on a sound map. With the app all those interested are given the opportunity to record – on-site in the city spaces – the sounds, tones, noises and voices with their own Smartphone, and to connect these with the recording locations on a map. The tonal arrangement of public space is thereby continued in a virtual dimension.
In combination with the MyCity, MySounds website (https://mycity-mysounds.zkm.de), audio walks can be created in different categories. Soundcaching invites users to uncover the city’s acoustic secrets and experience surprises. In the Artist Gallery, users can track sound artists moving through the city, and find out which sounds they think are especially worth listening to. To expand this category, ZKM | Institute for Music and Acoustics regularly invites sound artists to create very special listening experiences for users. These productions, of high technical quality, enable the user to experience engaging and unexpected perspectives while moving through the urban space.