Name Finder: Explore, Swipe, Decide 정보
모든 이름에 특정한 의미가 있다는 것을 알고 있습니까? NameFinder로 이름을 찾으십시오.
Know your name! Of course you do know your name, but what about the meaning, the origin, the historical description? Support your choice in name with additional information. Let's find a name!
The app Name Finder offers much more than just a stack of names. Be excited about:
- Easy left and right swipe
- Important information on first sight
- Origin, meaning, name number (Numerology based) description information about each name
- Fast gender switch (more diversification coming soon!) between rather male and rather female names
- Collection of your favorite names
Swipe through thousands of names, all of them baked with essential detail, which helps you decide with more confident and long-term satisfaction.
We also provide the numerology name number description of each name as additional information. Numerology is the science of numbers and all the influence they have on you and your life path.
Check out our Numerology App: