웹에서 Google Play를 방문하여 쇼핑을 즐기세요. 동기화의 번거로움 없이 Android 휴대전화나 태블릿에서 즉시 구매하고 즐길 수 있습니다.
The Naruto Card Scanner is a must have app that has the ability to unlock videos from cards found in NARUTO Collectible Card Game "Ultimate Ninja Storm 3"! This app also has a special trailer movie from the "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3"!
Gallery Mode: Simply point your camera at the card, wait a moment for the scanner to recognize the card, and watch an action packed video clip from the video game "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3" !
Card Scanning Mode: Point the camera at the card. When the card is recognized, a special video clip from the video game "Naruto Shippuden: Ultimate Ninja Storm 3" will be played.
Card Matcher Mode: Don't have a card? No problem! Click on the reel to stop it from spinning. Match all 3 cards to unlock any video on the list! This does not require any NARUTO Collectible Card Game "Ultimate Ninja Storm 3" cards to unlock the special videos!