natnuPreneur Broiler Farmers' Tool 정보
나이지리아 육계 생산자를위한 성능 모니터링 및보고 도구
This is a performance monitoring and reporting tool for Nigeria broiler out-growers in general and natnuPreneur broiler farmers in particular.
The application is expected to enhance communication between farmers and technical experts, as the same time allows farmers to monitor their flock performance against some established standards.
The application is sub-divided into four modules.
1. Enrollment: This module enables farmers to enroll on natnuPreneur Broiler out-grower scheme of Amo Farms Sieberer Hatchery Limited.
2. Reporting: Allows farmers to send reports to natnuPreneur office
3. Replies: Allows farmers to keep track of all conversations with natnuPreneur office
4: Performance Chart: Allows farmers to monitor their flock performance against the standards. Farmers can keep track of daily feed requirement, medication and vaccination needs of their flock for 42 days.