Natural Ways to cure Menopause 정보
Natural Ways to cure Menopause Android Application
Are You Ready to Deal With Your Menopausal Symptoms in a Positive, Proactive and Completely Natural Way?
There are many natural ways to deal with menopausal problems. Your options are to change your lifestyle, take hormone replacement therapy or do a combination of both.
In Natural Cures For The Menopause it discuss such important matters as:
- Dealing with the social isolation and loneliness of menopause
- What to do if your partner leaves you due to a lack of an ability to have sex or appearing less attractive to him
- How changing your diet can do wonders for helping you control menopausal symptoms
- How Tai Chi and Yoga benefit your body while it is going through this important life change
- How to decide whether or not hormone replacement therapy is for you
- What the risks are to your health if you should decide to take estrogen therapy
- Why you should never take estrogen without progesterone
- How counseling and therapy can help you get through any of the psychological symptoms associated with menopause
- Why it is constant but not heavy exercise that can help your body get rid of any excess weight gain
- How to avoid the heart disease that is sometimes associated with menopausal weight gain
- How to increase the rate of metabolism in your body as the decrease in hormones slows it down
- The practical steps you can take to avoid the osteoporosis caused by menopause
- How changing your sleep patterns can help cure the insomnia associated with menopause
- What you can do to relieve stress on your heart and blood pressure that is caused by hormonal changes
- The yoga postures that can help you reduce weight and bring back your sexual desire
- How an ancient practice targeted at the chakras and glands called hormone yoga therapy can help you get through menopause
- How a regimen of meditation can help treat major symptoms to do with heart, blood pressure and mood swings
- How aromatherapy can play a role in counteracting some of the symptoms associated with menopause
- How eliminating sugar and caffeine from your diet can help with the symptoms of menopause
- How sleeping for this particular number of hours a night can help eliminate the symptoms of menopause completely
- The number of ounces of water that you should drink a day to get rid of those menopause symptoms
- What essential nutritional supplements you should be taking to banish menopausal symptoms
- Which herbs are most effective for fighting menopause symptoms
- How a class of phytoestrogenic herbs contain chemicals that resemble estrogen and are a natural alternative to taking doctor prescribed estrogen therapy
- How taking herbs that nourish the endocrine system can help you master the symptoms of menopause
- A list of herbal teas that can help you manage the symptoms of menopause more effectively
- How drinking juiced fruits and vegetables can help
- The all natural cream made from a vegetable that can help you synthesize new estrogen
...Whichever way you look at it, going through the menopause is a tough time for every woman. You will need constant support but no one will be able to help you until you decide to help yourself. You have to take care of your own body, pamper it, and look after it like it has looked after you all this while.