Neuronal 정보
기차, 빠르고 재미있는 작은 게임 사용자의인지 능력을 향상
This application using fun little games, allows you to maintain, develop your cognitive abilities.
The exercises are grouped according to their abilities to favor certain skills.
- Memory
- Concentration
- Reflection
- Reactivity
However a game classified in one category can bring Brain Quotient (Bq) points into other categories.
Start by defining your own goals.
By default each category is set to 1000 Bq.
Depending on the improvements you want, specify your own criteria.
You can start playing.
In case of a successful game, a number of Bq is allocated to you. However, in case of failure, you get a decreased number of points to reward you for your efforts.
The ultimate goal is to, every day, achieve to exceed your goals.
You can check your commitments by going to the Evolution page.
In order to make the small exercises fun, you can find in the statistics page the best scores you have achieved.
Very important :
It is necessary to maintain your cognitive abilities, but do not forget your physical form. So put your smart-phone from time to time to do physical exercises.
The walk for the less athletic of you is excellent. Go out for a walk to decompress.
Also important:
If this application meets its public, we have in preparation some other exercises that we will add as they are finish to develop.