Next Time Tunnel 3D LWP 정보
다음 시간 터널은 특별히 다음 실행기 3D에 대한 설계 배경 화면을 살고 있습니다.
Next Time Tunnel livewallpaper, designed for Next Launcher 3D specially, is released now. Its major features include:
The blue shining stars rotate in the time tunnel with gravity.
--With Next Launcher--
1. You can shuttle in the time tunnel with the movement of your finger.
2. The blue shining stars will react with your action in home screen.
3. Magnificant with the style of Next Launcher themes
How to use:
General:Long press homescreen—>Wallpaper—>Live wallpaper—>Next Time Tunnel
With Next Launcher:Long press homescreen(Click 'Menu')—>Wallpaper—> Next live wallpaper—>Time Tunnel
Get the full version of Next honeycomb live wallpaper, search and install 'Next Launcher' in Google Play.
Not all handsets support the live wallpaper feature, please check for a 'live wallpaper' category as the directions above state.
If you encounter any problems or have any suggestions for our Next Launcher, please do not hesitate to tell us. Thank you very much!
What's new in the latest 1.21
1.(Fix) Some FC bugs