Night Mode Easy 정보
Choose this Best eye protector & save your eyes!!!
Night Mode Easy
Night Mode Easy works on your basic problem to lessen the magnificence (brightness) of your Android mobile’s screen lower than you can do it with the default settings.
This Night Mode Easy applies an overlay channel that operates as a dimmer to obscure the screen and guarantee your eyes don't hurt. Moving your screen to night mode can moderate your eyes strain, and your eyes will not feel burden during midnight chatting on whatsapp, twitter, facebook, messenger and instagram. Likewise Night Mode Easy will protect your eyes and help you rest effortlessly.
The Night Mode Easy can change your screen into quality shading, so it can lessen the shining blue light which will destroy your eyes with the passage of time.
▶ Android Permissions ◀
▶ Prevent your eyes from harming when the screen is too much brighter.
▶ During soft books study, video watching, messaging or gaming on bed laying.
▶ When eyes feel tired in the middle of night chatting on the smart phone.
▶ Reduce heavy blue light to brown dim light.
▶ Adjust screen light dimmer as you wish.
▶ Powerful EYE protector.
▶ Eye defender from tiring blue screen light.
▶ Very Easy & Simple Control.
▶ Android Adjustable.
▶ FREE eye shield.
▶ OFFLINE working eye mask.
▶ Small sized eye bodyguard.
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