OpenTable - Book Restaurants 정보
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Use OpenTable to discover, explore, book, and manage restaurant bookings free and instantly—anytime, anywhere. As the global leader in restaurant bookings, OpenTable’s app helps you discover new restaurants; view menus, reviews, and photos; and earn reward points towards your next delicious meal. Get access to exclusive app benefits. Download free today.
In addition to the 700+ million diners we’ve seated at 32,000+ restaurants worldwide, others love ♥ OpenTable as well:
★ OpenTable Is Secretly the Best Thing on the Internet (Gizmodo)
★ World's Greatest Apps (Business Insider)
★ Best Restaurant Booking Apps (The Telegraph)
★ Top Android Developer (Google Play)
• BOOK SIMPLY, INSTANTLY, and FREE at thousands of restaurants
• DISCOVER & RESEARCH restaurant reviews, photos, menus, and more
• SEARCH WITH EASE by preference: party size, date, time, cuisine, price, or distance
• GET SPECIAL OFFERS from restaurants
• GET REWARDED with points when you dine out and save on future meals
• MANAGE BOOKINGS on the go —it’s easy to change, cancel, and re-book
• COORDINATE PLANS with friends by sending OpenTable invitations and adding bookings to calendars
• TRAVEL READY to help you reserve restaurants in the United States, Canada, Mexico, England, Ireland, Germany, Australia & Japan
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