Online Florist : FlowerAdvisor 정보
100 개 이상의 국가에 제공하는 최고의 온라인 꽃 & 선물 용품 전자 상거래
FlowerAdvisor is an online Flowers & Gifts E Commerce that delivery Flowers (Handbouquet, Table Flower & Funeral Flowers) and Gifts such as Birthday Cake, Baby Hampers, Christmas Hampers & Gourmet Hampers) to more than 100 countries in the world with same day and next day delivery
FlowerAdvisor came about as a result of a prominent absence of a single strong brand in Asia for International Flower Delivery. Online users found it a struggle to discover a trusted 24 hour delivery flower site which can be replied upon to send flowers, hampers and gifts to their loved ones anywhere in the world.
Although there are plenty of talented local florists, most are not keen to spend millions on infrastructure to build a stable and secure site that enables and manages E-commerce transaction. to make matters worse, Asia & Europe has also one of the largest E-commerce frauds which makes many users very skeptical of small sites.