Online Taxi Booking (All) 정보
"One stop solution for all Taxi booking"
"Online Taxi Booking all" is a free android App for all users in India,Online Taxi Booking App helps to find multiple Cab/Taxi service providers in any place or any time in India.
This Application helps users to save time and money by checking the prices with cab/taxi service providers.Online Taxi Booking App contains major cab/taxi companies to name a few are below:
1. Uber
2. Ola
3. Meru
4. Taxi for sure
5. Easy cabs
6. Meru cabs
7. Savaari
8 Tab cab
We don’t collect any information from the user. This application only directs the user to avail required cab/taxi facility and we are not liable for any financial/ technical difficulties faced by the user due to network failure, device failure or any other complications.