정형 외과 종양학의 Lerdsin 병원
Orthopaedic Oncology Lerdsin Hospital, Bangkok, Thailand.
This unit has been established since 2006. The unit specialised in the treatment of bone and soft tissue sarcomas with the support of multidisciplinary team to deliver a coordinated and comprehensive cancer care.
OOLH app aims to introduce the programs, services and its achievements to the people of Thailand with the purpose of educating users regarding orthopaedic oncology and provide curated information regarding the services provided. OOLH app also has a Forum page targeted for health personnel to discuss cases and exchange ideas.
This app provides information regarding:
– Doctors and staff
– Osteosarcoma fast-track programme
– Annual Lerdsin Sarcoma Day events
– Thai MSTS endoprosthesis
– Experience on endoprosthetic reconstructions, allograft reconstructions and bone pasteurisation
– List of research and publications
– Achievements in term of awards, presentations, projects and innovation