Pak e Services 정보
Sim 소유자의 세부 정보 - Pak e 서비스 데이터는 최고의 응용 프로그램입니다.
Details of the Sim Owner - Pak e services data is the greatest application.
It's critical to understand how many SIM cards are registered on your CNIC.
Pak sim data 2021 - Pak e-service Mast b is in use.
You can acquire information about the number of SIMS registered on any CNIC by using the SIM Verification: Pakistan app. Simply enter your CNIC and verify the number of SIM cards that are registered to your CNIC. The SIM Verification Pakistan app will show you how many SIMs on your CNIC have been biometrically confirmed.
You may check through your network through the SIM verification app, as well as for free on the PTA website.
This app is only available on Pakistani mobile networks.
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