Palindrome Checker and List 정보
Future release will have user options to contribute palindrome & more Stay tune
What is palindrome?
Palindrome is a word, phrase, or sequence that reads the same backward as forward, e.g., Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas.
What does the Palindrome Checker does?
Palindrome Checker application lets you to type or past any word, phrase, number or a combination and check if what you type is palindrome or not. If it is not a palindrome it will let you know the characters that are matching.
Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas
Even more interestingly, it can also be read in any direction in two dimensional presentations.
Ah, Satan sees Natasha!
A Toyota! Race fast, safe car! A Toyota!
Future plans:
In the future release users will be able to contribute their palindrome words and/or phrases that will be listed along their name to other users. As a result there will be new palindrome words and phrases every time they visit.
Futures will be:
- Contribute palindromic words and phrases.
- Add to favorites
- Flag in appropriate entries.
- Save to local device to access while internet is not available.
- List will be categorize by languages
- And more.
Have an idea to improve the app? Please let us know.
Palindrome History
Palindromes date back at least to 79 AD, as a palindrome was found as a graffito at Herculaneum, a city buried by ash in that year. This palindrome, called the Sator Square, consists of a sentence written in Latin: "Sator Arepo Tenet Opera Rotas" ("The sower Arepo holds works wheels"). It is remarkable for the fact that the first letters of each word form the first word, the second letters form the second word, and so forth. Hence, it can be arranged into a word square that reads in four different ways: horizontally or vertically from either top left to bottom right or bottom right to top left. As such, they can be referred to as palindromatic.
What's new in the latest 1.5
Close to 1,000 palindrome list has been added. In the future release there will be an option for users to contribute there palindrome and more.