eSmartGuard 정보
간단하고 번거 로움없는 약속 예약 및 앱을 통한 에스코트 등록.
Parent/Visitor need to register face with a selfie or by uploading a photo.Need to fill the details and upload identity documents just by clicking the picture.
Enter the mobile number (OTP verified) for authenticity of mobile number.
On the appointment day… The school guards who are “electronically equipped SMARTGUARDS” are ready to welcome the guest with their Android-powered rugged
waterproof tab or Android rugged walkie-talkie, equipped with strong facial recognition technology to recognize the registered face in 0.3 seconds ONLY.
Simplified and hassle-free appointment booking system via school mobile app.
Child escort (Pick-up) assigning via parents anytime anywhere using mobile app with OTP verification on the registered mobile number.
Face scanning and capturing of identity document only once and can be used for future appointment requests.
Appointment status tracking and acceptance or rejection notification via SMS, emails and push notification.