Partin Tables (2016) - Risk Calculator 정보
Partin Tables (2016)-PCa에서 병리학 적 결과의 예측 확률
This application that is prepared especially for urologist calculates postoperative risks to predict probability of pathological outcomes in patients who are candidate for radical prostatectomy. These pathological outcomes include organ confined disease, extraprotastic extension, seminal vesicle involvement, and lymph node involvement.
It uses preoperative data (Total Prostate Specific Antigen (PSA) level, Biopsy Gleason Score, and Clinical Stage).
This application is based on the lates Partin nomogram adapted from Tosoian, et al. 2016.
Prediction of pathological stage based on clinical stage, serum prostate-specific antigen, and biopsy Gleason score: Partin Tables in the contemporary era.
Tosoian JJ, Chappidi M, Feng Z, Humphreys EB, Han M, Pavlovich CP, Epstein JI, Partin AW, Trock BJ.
BJU Int. 2017 May;119(5):676-683. doi: 10.1111/bju.13573. Epub 2016 Jul 29.