PC Tycoon - create a computer!
2 리뷰
223.4 MB
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Android 5.1+
Android OS
PC Tycoon - create a computer! 정보
Run your own computer company, create laptops and components for pc!
In PC Tycoon you’ll run your own computer company! Your goal is to make the greatest company of all times! Create different components for pc, research new technologies, manage employees, upgrade office, buy ads, follow the news and try to top companies leaderboard! Managing own company isn’t easy, so there are a lot of features to make your game a bit easier and more interesting:
•Unique rating algorithm - you products are compared to others, so rating isn’t random!
•Clear training
•6 separate offices, each of them produces one type of components and has its own finances, technologies, employees and fans! They are like separate companies!
1. Processors
2. Video cards
3. Motherboards
4. RAM
5. Power supply
6. Disks
7. OS (in developing)
8. Laptops (in developing)
•Menu customisation - customise background and colours for yourself!
•Analysis - learn which rating and popularity can your product get!
•Virtual assistant - can help you find an app
•Statistics - a section, which you can look with interest at
•Games history - look at statistics of all finished games
What's new in the latest 2.2.18
- Added Chinese and Turkish translations
- PC Tycoon 3.0 development section updated
- In-game announcements added
- Small bugs fixed
PC Tycoon - create a computer! apk 정보
PC Tycoon - create a computer!의 오래된 버전
PC Tycoon - create a computer! 2.2.18
PC Tycoon - create a computer! 2.2.17
PC Tycoon - create a computer! 2.2.16
PC Tycoon - create a computer! 2.2.15
Partner Developer
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