Photo Gallery, Photo Edit & Private Photo Vault 정보
사진 갤러리 응용 프로그램, 사진 및 동영상을 찾아 사진을 사진을 편집 및 숨길 수 있습니다.
Photo Gallery, Photo Edit, & Private Photo Vault is more than just a typical photo gallery app! It’s an all in one app that allows you to browse pictures and videos conveniently, edit photos, and locked photos in private photo vaults. Only you can unlock the locked photos because we keep the photos private for you. It’s the best photo album with all in one: security tool, organize, & editing functions that you will ever find on Google Playstore, so download our photo gallery & editor de foto now!
There are not many apps that combine various important tools into one app. Photo Gallery, Photo Edits, & Hidden Picture is unique because it combines tool organize your photos, edit them, and securely locked photos. Most similar apps only have one feature but we provide three to make your life easier. You don’t have to switch from one app to another. One defining feature of our app is the security code. Our security safe function is number 1 and will protect your locked photos in your photos album from prying eyes.
Browse pictures & videos easily by folder or timeline.
View each picture’s details.
Use tool organize pictures: Move, Delete, Rename, Add to Favorites.
View photos in your picture bucket as a animated slideshow
Best security safe measure to hide private photos.
Make photos private by moving it to hidden photo bucket/ folder.
4 digit PIN numbers for added security safe measures.
Pics on hidden photo bucket/ folder will not be visible on Photo Gallery.
Only one tap to restore locked photos & hidden pictures to public view.
Use our built-in editor de foto to edit pics.
Apply photo filters using our editor de foto features.
Adjust brightness, contrast, saturation, & hue
Add blur effect to the photo.
Crop, straighten, rotate, or flip any photo.
Install and open Photo Gallery.
Browse pictures and videos from the gallery by Timeline, Folders
Play the animated photo slideshow with different effects.
Add photos / videos into your favorite list.
Setup 4 digit security PIN for private vault access.
Setup security question / answer to recover the PIN.
Add photos into private photo vault to make them security safe.
Edit the photo using inbuilt Photo Editor.
We hope that you enjoy using our app! Should you find any issue when you use the editor de foto tools, organizer tools, or hidden picture bucket functions, please let us know via email so we can fix it as soon as possible.
Email : [email protected]