Plaudit Minds 정보
Plaudit Minds는 다중 지능 (Multiple Intelligence)에서 도움을줍니다 - 타고난 기술과 획득 한 기술 모두
There are eight vital kinds of Intelligence by which one person differs from another. Though we have multiple intelligence but each one is developed in a particular way that makes us unique and different from each other.Multiple intelligence theory asserts that individuals with a high level of aptitude in a particular type of intelligence do not necessarily have a similar aptitude in any other type of intelligence. In 1983, Harvard University (USA)professor Howard Gardner started writing his book Frames of Mind: the Theory of Multiple Intelligence with some simple but very powerful questions, viz., Are talented chess players, violinists, and athletes 'intelligent' in their respective disciplines? Why these and other abilities are not accounted for on traditional IQ tests? Why is the term intelligence limited to such a narrow range of human endeavors of Mathematical, Logical & Linguistic talents?
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT) helps in determining Inborn Multiple Intelligence Distribution and Psychometric Multiple Intelligence Test (PMIT) helps in determining acquired multiple Intelligence Distribution for an individual.
Feature List:
Fingerprint Capturing
Psychometric Assessment
Dermatoglyphics Multiple Intelligence Test (DMIT)
DMIT Franchisee
Psychometric Assessment Franchisee
DMIT Software