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Helpful Hit Movie Tracker and Movie Finder.
Play Diary source for movie & series. In Play Diary you enjoy your movies favorites and personalized picks, you can also get personalized recommendations for shows and movies and track what you want to watch with your favorite list (watchlist).
Play Diary is the most popular movie tracker and series finder where you can find hit movies, movie reviews, movie trailers, movie recommendations and tv shows or series from the largest community database TMDB.
playdiary enjoy your media
The home screen helps you choose a movie or a serie when you don't know what to watch, you can just mount your filter and we suggest something of your taste.
Play Diary offers a great search mode that will allow you to find all titles within Netflix or Disney plus and more.
There is something for everybody; from comedy to drama, kids to classics, and niche favorites such as Korean dramas, anime, and British series.
Play Diary apk has many kinds of all movies & Series: hollywood, bollywood, british, korean, japan. With different genres: love, fantasy, history, war, action, comedy, anime.
-Movies information and images are from licensed under CC BY-NC 4.0.
-we use the TMDb API to Fetch All Movies.
-we follows the "fair use" guidelines by US law, if you feel there is a direct copyright or trademark
violation that does not follow within the "fair use" guidelines, please contact us directly.