PMI RMP Mock Test 정보
PMI RMP 모의 테스트 앱은 최고의 연습에 가장 모의 질문을 제공합니다.
PMI RMP MOCK Test App is the best App to prepare for the PMI RMP® Exam.
It has more than 150 free randomly generated questions for your best practice.
It has efficient features to improve your practice levels.
You have below options to take the quiz in an easy way.
1.You can directly take the quiz depends up on how many questions you want. we have given here 8 types of quizzes.
2. Depends up on your quiz this app automatically counts your weak number of questions and strong questions.
3.You have an option to bookmark questions which you are interested to look after.
4.You can also share a particular question with friends.
5.You have timer option available for each quiz.
* Works offline also.
* User friendly.
* Comprehensive questions coverage.
* Option to bookmark a question.
* Automatically saves your weak and strong questions.
* Sharing questions with any one.
* Timer is available
* Attractive view.
You are welcome to give us feedback for the app at [email protected]
All the very best for passing your PMI RMP Certification exam.
Note: This PMI RMP MOCK Test app is not created or endorsed by PMI®.